Thursday, April 23, 2009

Recent News

Senegal is working harder than ever to promote tourism in their country. To accomplish this, Senegal is building an airport in Dakar (the capital of Senegal), making luxury resorts, and making hotels. Last year, 1 million people went to visit Senegal, but Abdoulaye Wade (the president) predicted 1.5 million by 2010 with all of the new things Senegal is making to attract people.

I think this will be great for Senegal because it will help their economy and make Senegal a stronger country. If the people who visit have a good time, they might return for their next trip or recommend it to other people which would also be good. Making a 50% increase on how many people come to visit Senegal is a HUGE increase for one year and will be good for everyone who lives there.

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